Club History

Clacton-on-Sea Golf Club was founded in 1892 when a small band of enthusiasts leased 40 acres of grazing land close to the town centre and roughly laid out nine holes.

After four years the land was taken back for residential development and the club moved to the other side of town where it leased, initially, 50 acres to provide nine holes, then a further 50 acres in 1909 to give 18 holes. Much of that land is still part of the present course, though there have been many changes in boundaries and layout since then. Not least because of the demise of the Butlins Holiday Camp.

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05.09.2024 04:38
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From Monday the 2nd of September work on greens was started, this will include heavy scarifying, deep solid aeration over a couple of days followed closely by rolling every day, and finally sand has been applied which is then brushed in to fill holes thank you

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