Any member aged 55 or over can join the very active Seniors Section of the Club to enjoy social but competitive golf. To become a ‘Registered Senior’ and have the benefit of playing in intra and inter-club matches and our extensive annual list of competitions and other games, a new Senior only needs to pay a modest competition entry fee to play in their first competition. All they need to do is add their name to a competition invitation sheet pinned on the Seniors noticeboard, watch out for the starting time notice. Entry fee will automatically be taken from your Club Card.

The Section is managed by a Management Committee consisting of: 
  • Captain and Chairman - Terry Hewitt - pictured here
  • Vice-Captain - Geoff Haslam
  • Immediate Past Captain- Bob Baggalley
  • Honorary Secretary - John Kemp
  • Treasurer - Michael Horley
  • Competition Sub Committee Members -  Paul Tubbs, Gary Dymond, Ray Fage, David Cowdery and Craig Day.
An extensive programme of Monday competitions is organised with a trophy presented to each of over twenty winners. The Club Diary lists all our competitions and matches. There is a full list of competitions and other games on this page below, and displayed on the Seniors notice board.

AGM 2024

AGM 2024 Minutes

click here to view

Guidelines for Recording Registered Seniors

click here to view


Seniors Competition Fixtures 2024

Click here to view fixtures

Seniors Committee Meeting

Tuesday 4th June 2024

click here to view

Constitution 2024

click here to view

Competition Guidelines & Rules 2024

click here to view

Competition Start Sheet

Fun Game (Stableford)- Monday 29th July 2024

click here to view

Competition Start Sheet

Seniors Guest Day- Thursday 1st August

click here to view

Competition Start Sheet

August Monthly Medal- Monday 5th August

click here to view
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08.07.2024 14:56
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From Tuesday July the 9th work will start on digging out bunkers and replacing the sand this work will be carried out over the next three weeks on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays during this time the bunkers that are being worked on will be G U R with a sign placed in them we would ask all players to take care and remember the green staff will not always see you if it becomes a hazard for a staff the hole will have to be closed while this work is carried out

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Need to know more weather details? Click here to see the weather for the next 5 days.