Mixed Open

Date for 2024 TBC

Ladies Open

Thursday 4th July 2024

click here for entry form

Eagle Steamship

Sunday 26th May 2024

click here for entry form

Men's Battle Of Britain Open 2024

Sunday 1st September 2024

click here for entry form

Junior Open

Thursday 24th October 2024

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Currently open
08.07.2024 14:56
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From Tuesday July the 9th work will start on digging out bunkers and replacing the sand this work will be carried out over the next three weeks on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays during this time the bunkers that are being worked on will be G U R with a sign placed in them we would ask all players to take care and remember the green staff will not always see you if it becomes a hazard for a staff the hole will have to be closed while this work is carried out

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